What is ExcelTRAK?

ExcelTRAK is an Admin Fee & Rebate Reporting tool from Excelerant Consulting. It automatically generates accurate Admin Fee reports and can analyze sales by GPO affiliation and identify parent/child relationships. It offers:

  • Accurate Data: Unmatched industry knowledge of distributors and GPOs

  • Longevity: Our solution has been used by suppliers for over 20 years

  • Cost Savings: Low Overhead keeps Costs (and Prices) Down

  • Integrity: Highest Standards for Confidentiality

  • Customer Satisfaction: 97% of new business comes from referrals


Why Use ExcelTRAK?

  • Pay accurate GPO admin fees and distributor rebates

  • Save costs from duplicate membership payment

  • Save costs from reduction in late fee and inaccurate reporting

  • Save labor costs

    • Fully developed and maintained platform for producing ready to send reports to distributors and GPOs

  • Accurate Sales Reporting used for Strategic Revenue Growth

    • Validates Membership Affiliation, Pricing, and Distributor Reports

    • Market Segment Opportunity Analysis and Reporting

    • Territory Alignment and Evaluation

    • Sales Quota, Sales Commissions and Profit Analysis
