We're All In The Business Of Success



[August 21, 2023] – A healthcare consultancy and a not-for-profit organization, hmmm … where’s the connective tissue you might ask, and that would be a fair question.

Hang with me here.

I made the decision to write Do the Basics Better – A Sales Guide for the Small Business Owner because I’m at that stage of my career where I’ve had the opportunity to learn many great lessons, stub a few toes, step on a few landmines, and see first-hand what works and what doesn’t work when a business attempts to sell a product or service to someone in need of that particular product or service. 

I’ve also been blessed with the opportunity to work alongside, and for, some of the most brilliant sales and marketing professionals in the world. I’ve spent more than three decades in healthcare and consumer products with Johnson & Johnson, Baxter International and Quaker Oats, all world-class companies with leading-edge training and development curriculum. And some scary smart business minds!

If my book can help someone starting out in the world of sales and marketing, or an entrepreneur with a great idea or product but absolutely no understanding of how to get it to market, then I will have successfully given back or paid it forward which makes me smile. After all [in my mind at least] people helping people is really what life is all about, wouldn’t you agree? 

Some may find great value in each of the book’s chapters while others may only extract a nugget or two of solid advice, and that’s OK. The key to everything is in the title of the book: Never lose your understanding of, and attention to, doing the basics well. And embracing this truth: There’s always room for improvement.

No matter where you are in your career – long-tenured, mid-stage, or just starting out – Do the Basics Better serves as a reminder that it’s the fundamentals executed well that are the difference between high-functioning organizations and individuals and those who struggle to find success.

Two Birds with One Stone

I also saw this effort as an opportunity to benefit an organization near and very dear to my heart, Friends of South Florida Autism Center. As a Dad to a 22-year-old son with Autism, I’ve witnessed first-hand the challenges these boys and girls, men and women face in their daily lives.  Some are severely challenged while others are considered “high-functioning” meaning they can assimilate into society, albeit with difficulties not faced by the average person. Regardless of where they fall on what’s known as the Autism Spectrum, they all could use our love, support and caring, as well as a sense of purpose and accomplishment. These all fall under the header “Guidance”.

And while my name may appear on the cover of the book, I’ve got a small army of dedicated folks supporting my efforts by sorting, packing and shipping books to those who make a donation of $20 or more to Friends of South Florida Autism Center. These hard-working team members are all adults with Autism served by the center. 

Fostering independent living skills, as well as vocational skills training, is critically important when it comes to finding a purpose and boosting self-esteem. These tasks are truly rewarding for them … and for those of us who support the center. If you have a son or daughter, niece or nephew, or know of a neighbor’s adult child trying to launch their own sales and marketing career, Do the Basics Better would make a truly useful gift. And it would definitely help us out at Friends of South Florida Autism Center.

The Connective Tissue

As I write this blog, I realize there actually are similarities between a company working with a business consultancy and a non-profit. Each must find ways to open the right doors, gain impactful referrals, and find the very best people to support the organization’s goals and objectives – whether it’s launching a new product or raising funds and offering support to those in need.

Along the way, the company or non-profit must also clearly identify their Unique Value Proposition or risk being like the hapless mariner who sets sail without ever bothering to identify a destination, much less chart the most efficient course. Not having a goal and a plan will almost always result in wasted time, effort and money ... commodities in short supply in today’s fast-moving, demanding world.

At Excelerant, our partners work with small- to mid-sized companies seeking to commercialize an innovative new healthcare product or service. We work with you to identify your organization’s Unique Value Proposition and our connections within the nation’s leading Group Purchasing Organizations [GPO], Integrated Delivery Networks [IDN] and Regional Purchasing Coalitions [RPC] allow us to open the right doors for our clients. Our longstanding, trusted relationships in the healthcare industry means our referrals have clout. And, if needed, we can help you build out your own army of dedicated sales professionals who can bring your vision to market and accelerate your journey to meaningful sales and profitability.

At Friends of South Florida Autism Center, our volunteers lend their time, expertise,  and knowledge to advance and improve the lives of those with Autism. We’ve identified our Unique Value Proposition and we succeed by getting in the right doors, having folks make referrals on our behalf, and we’re always looking for volunteers and donations to assist us in our efforts.

Come to think of it, we’re all in the business of success.


ABOUT JOE MIR -- Joe has 30+ years’ experience in medical devices, including positions in sales, marketing, international business, and national accounts. He has negotiated and executed numerous contracts with regional GPOs and IDNs throughout the country and has extensive experience developing relationships with senior leaders and key clinical personnel within health systems. Prior to joining the Excelerant team, Joe served 24 years at Johnson & Johnson in a variety of roles domestically and in Latin America.



Excelerant Consulting is the go-to organization for med-tech companies that need to position products and services successfully for value analysis committees, contract acquisition, and sales modeling and execution to commercialize the launch of medical devices or services with Group Purchasing Organizations [GPO], Integrated Delivery Networks [IDN], or Regional Purchasing Coalitions [RPC]. Our clients rely on us to enhance their product positioning, navigate corporate contracting opportunities, and provide sales support to accelerate growth and profits.

For more info, contact Excelerant Consulting at info@excelerantconsulting.com

Megan August